Finally Experincing Lucky Star


When I was a teenager, hating Lucky Star was like part of my brand. I was like, "No way this series is comparable to the greats such as Nichijou and Azumanga Daioh". Pretty much a normal thing for a teenager to do. Now here I am years later, I sat down and watched Lucky Star. What do I think? Well I enjoy.


What made me bit the bullet and watched lucky star? I guess it's presence grew on me. I also give credit to watching and listening to Hazel videos.


So what do I think? Well Lucky Star is definitely an easy watch, especially with the enitre dub on youtube. Which is great cause the main draw to the show is the conversation. That's right baby, from beginning to end you feel like you're a podcast listener.I don't say that perjoratively, remember I'm a startcaster, I think it's very charming. The character dynamic is super tight, so you get to know the deal with Konata and the gang. What surprise me the most is that Konata is like such a normal person.


What do I mean by "normal", well I was expecting Konata to be insufferable with her otaku interest, but really she's just like alot of people I know.. (Looks in the mirror) Even me. These days it's very typical to meet people who has like otaku type interest, and just be able to talk to anyone at any level of interest. I think about the scene where Kagami and Tsukasa where looking at Konatas 2chan page, they were freaked out at how Konata speak and comprehen weird 2chan Lingo. Konata just knows when to turn it down.

the Chase

It's Funny How Kagami is always getting on Konata case for bringing up any sort of Otaku interest. Konata can't help it, it's her favorite way to tease Kagami. They definitly have something going on. Anyway. Kagami rants about otakus being the oddballs of society is hilarious cause a lot of her peers getting into stuff that can be consider otaku hobbies. Even funnier is that there are characters, like Hiyori and Patty, who are even bigger otakus than Konata, especially Patty.


Patty is definitely a highlight in the series. She's an american who came to japan to get be closer to her otaku hobbies. In the dub, the VA does like the most english Vtuber sounding voice ever, and it's so funny when she speaks.(if you're not sure what I mean by English Vtuber voice, well then look up rugrats voice acting).

Doug Walker

I gotta talk about Lucky Channel. It is one of the funniest segmant in the show. It reveals that the show is a show within a show and the Lucky Star Cast are just actresses. The Host of the segmants are hilarious. They slowly start to hate eachother more and more. Akira even tried to get Minoru left in the mountain for dead. Minoru is also 17 to Late 20s whenever funny. Akira is such a bitter creature, she mentioned her parents divorced in the first Lucky channel and gets even smaller bit roles then Minoru. Fucking insane. Hilarious knowing their japanese VA were also together in nichjou, (as Sakamoto and Profesor)

The Elephant

Now let's talk about the elephant in the room, Konatas Dad. So straight up as soon as he makes his debut in the series, they pretty much estabish that he's a pervert that perv on the local highschoolers. This slowly gets course corrected through out the series. He eve gets called out a bit by Konata, where she says "Dad, keeping saying things like that and you'll get yourself arrested". It feels like they realized they can't have the dad be a gross pervert, so the changed it to where he's more like a weird, but well meaning father who's just a little too lost in his Otaku interest.


It's pretty clear that lucky star does alot to normalized otaku culture, making it age extremely well on that aspect. Like I said before, I know alot of people like Konata. She's probably some trans girls Kinnie. That being said, i don't think it really does anything to critized otaku culture. It never really set out to make a big statement aboutOtakus in general, just showing what goes on. So it's kinda weird that it's showed Tsukasa get harassed by grown Otakus at akihabara, with her picture being taken without her consent. I guess it was trying to play it as a joke but it was pretty uncomfortable.


lets talk about the yuri aspect. Is there yuri in this and is it good? Uhh, yeah it's fine I guess. Now I don't want the yuri heads to give up hope, there's definitely somehing there in a form of Konata x Kagami. It's cute when Konata teases Kagami, and I think the doujin "Smiling Broadly" does an amazing job of like mainting that dynamic by having Konata tease Kagami by talking about how much she loves her. Now the issue with Smiley Broadly is that well, it has a really really gross section in it's very first chapter. Which suck cause it really runined what was a cute read. I also gotta give shout out to Yukata x Minami. From the moment they first met, they make such an adorable pair. Especially with the contrasting appearaces. I hope to own their Figma one day.

bye bye

So after all that, do i see myself recommending this to people, well if they're looking for something chill than yeah. It's an easy watch, theres a character for you to like, and a catching tune to get into. Hope you all enjoyed my thoughts on Lucky star.


Take Care